Greetings! Thanks a lot for visiting our website. Aloe Vera is a magical plant. Aloe Vera gel is widely used as a skin disease treatment. People drink Aloe Vera juice to improve their digestive system. The decision to drink the juice from an Aloe Vera plant, considering the volumes of research surrounding the plant, may be as simple as deciding to drink orange juice!
As per research of Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D. , Study evaluated the effect of oral Aloe Vera juice supplementation on gastric pH, stool specific gravity, protein digestion/absorption, and stool microbiology. Results indicate that supplemental oral Aloe vera juice is well tolerated by most individuals and has favorable effects upon a number of gastrointestinal parameters. A discussion of the potential role of Aloe Vera juice on inflammatory bowel disorders based upon this work is presented.
Trials indicate that Aloe Vera heals peptic ulcers, controls intestinal secretions to normal levels, influences the bowel flora, controls gastric and intestinal pH, improves the functioning of the pancreas and limits adverse bacteria in the colon, reducing purification.
Aloe juice, properly processed, contains a wide variety of healing constituents. The principal attributes are: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral.
Reference is taken from The International Aloe Science Council